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Ghost Stories in the Sunlight

Feb 20, 2020

Who is the most Australian ghost? There's a lot of contenders. Maria Windeyer is one of them. Liv and Jess discuss her life,  afterlife and, most importantly, her grape forests.


Feb 20, 2020

But it's not a Friday?! Well get excited for this BONUS EPISODE because Liv did too much research. We chat about the mysterious New Orleans Casket Girls-who are getting places and doing things!

It's a quick episode. A "quickie" if you will. Enjoy xx


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Feb 6, 2020

This week we cover Marie Laveau- the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans. We talk about her very mysterious life, the legends born during it and the stories and activity that followed her death. So grab a few beignets and drape on some beads, and join us and Zombi around the campfire.